Opportunities need to be given to young and high performers/athletes with the potential to combine elite sports and secondary/vocational studies and train in High Performance Training Centres abroad. To be eligible for the support, the secondary/vocational student/athlete shall have recorded an outstanding performance in an international competition 6 months prior to application.
To enable young elite athletes to combine competitive sports and secondary/vocational studies;
To provide young elite athletes opportunities to train in high performance training centres abroad and concurrently continue their studies; and
To empower young elite athletes and facilitate their integration in society after their sporting career.
The conditions are spelled out in an “Agreement” to be signed between the TFES, the Federation and the Athlete or parent, in case the athlete is a minor.

All applications shall be made on the appropriate application form (Reference 2.0) and supported by the concerned National Sports Federation.
Criteria and Minima (click here)
Opportunities need to be given to young athletes with the potential to combine sports and secondary/vocational studies. To be eligible for the support, the secondary/vocational student/athlete shall have recorded an outstanding performance in a national or regional competition 6 months prior to application.
The objective of the programme is to enable potential young athletes to combine secondary/vocational studies and competitive sports.

All applications shall be made on the appropriate application form (Reference 1.0) and supported by the concerned National Sports Federation.
Criteria and Minima (click here)
Types of Support
Payment of Tuition fees and daily refreshment during school hours.
To note that request for provision of transport for training is optional and may be treated on a case to case basis.
To achieve a holistic development, opportunities need to be given to elite athletes to combine sports and higher education careers. This is relevant to empower them for their future role in society at the end of their competitive sports period. To be eligible for the support, the applicant shall have recorded an outstanding performance in an international competition 6 months prior to application.
To enable elite athletes to pursue higher education studies;
To provide elite athletes opportunities to train in high-performance training centres locally and abroad and concurrently continue their studies; and
To empower elite athletes and facilitate their integration in society after their sporting career.
The conditions are spelled out in an “Agreement” to be signed between the TFES, the Federation and the Athlete.

All applications shall be made on the appropriate application form (Reference 3.0) and supported by the concerned National Sports Federation.
Criteria and Minima (click here)